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Novel Facts about real components and of proposed CBD-Paradigm
The differences between our new paradigm and prevailing paradigms for CBSD (CBD of software products) is objective and crystal clear, where our paradigm is backed by facts and real examples (i.e. software build by using real CBD by hierarchically assembling real components). For example, in the dark ages, then prevailing paradigm (comprising a complex ecosystem of interdependent concepts and observations) was evolved over thousand years based on erroneous postulation that “The Earth was static at the center”.
Likewise prevailing paradigm for CBSD  exist today (comprising a mature ecosystem of a complex web of interdependent axiomatic concepts and observations), which has been evolving for over 4 decades based on erroneous postulation such as definitions for many kinds of software components or component models, where each kind of software components is nothing but a kind of software parts having certain useful properties. Then invented a complex ecosystem of axiomatic concepts for defining many kinds of CBSDs, where each CBSD is using certain kind of fake components (since components are nothing but a kind of software parts).
The fact is that the Sun was at the center, so exposing the error resulted in a scientific revolution and a true Khunien paradigm shift. Likewise, it is a fact that physical components are very unique kind of parts having very specific hidden essential properties. But it is very complex to discover and define accurate description for the real components. No other kind of parts except real components can achieve true CBD. But it is very easy to discover accurate description for the real CBD. So we are leveraging the structure and process of real CBD to expose the erroneous postulations and to discover nature and essential properties of real components.
The old geocentric paradigm collapsed like house of cards when the error in the root postulation was realized. The heliocentric paradigm eliminated all the known contradictions by providing rational explanation for every known fact and accurate observations.  Likewise, the discovery of real software components and real CBSD must eliminate all the known contradictions by providing rational explanation for every known fact and accurate observations related to the CBD of physical products. There will be no need for using silly excuses such as software is unique or different to justify contradictions (or to maintain prevailing paradox).
Any part (i.e. either physical or software part) must have certain essential properties to become a “real component”. The fact is that, not only these essential properties of the components are not yet discovered but also no known kind of software components has these essential properties of the ‘real components’. Therefore it is an objective fact that, it is an error to define any other kind of useful software parts are software components. Furthermore it is an objective fact that, it is an error to define CBSD is using such fake software components.
Existing paradigm Proposed Paradigm

Today each kind of CBSD is defined as using one or more kinds of software components or component models, where each kind of software component is a kind of software part having given set of properties. The fact is, it may be useful but not necessary for a physical component to have any known useful property attributed to known software components.

The true component must be capable of achieving a structure equivalent to the logical CBD-structure of the physical CBD-products by using a process equivalent to the CBD-process employed for designing and building the physical CBD-products, where the CBD-structure and CBD-process universally shared by any existing or future physical CBD-products.

Many experts today argue/assume that it is impossible to invent software components equivalent to the physical components, for example, to achieve real CBD that is equivalent to the CBD of physical products.

We discovered the essential properties of the real components CBD for inventing real software components, which can achieve the real CBSD (CBD for software products) that is equivalent to the CBD of physical products.

More detailed summary of the contradictions between axioms or postulations of 
(a) existing paradigm and (b) proposed new paradigm
It is an error to expect to grow an apple tree by planting a seed of orange tree, even if the oranges are also good it can not change the fact that they are not apples. The scientists in the dark ages built a paradigm (comprising a complex ecosystem of interdependent concepts and observations) by planting seed for geocentric theory for many hundreds of years without any dispute. Likewise existing paradigm for CBSD (comprising a complex ecosystem of interdependent concepts and observations) has been evolving for few decades without even realizing that they had planted a wrong seed (i.e. by defining fake components). Although many of the kinds of existing fake software components (i.e. software parts) might be useful, it can not change the fact that they are not real components for achieving real CBD for software products.
It is a proven fact that: any paradigm would collapse like house of cards, if there is an error in the seed of the paradigm and when the experts realize the error. Unfortunately it is very complex endeavor to expose error in seed of a deeply entrenched paradigm, since confirmation bias and perceptions of the deeply entrenched paradigm will have huge effect on ability to accept facts and grasp essential concepts that contradict conventional wisdom.
It is not necessary to invalidate any axiomatic concept of an erroneous paradigm, if the concept is based on the erroneous seed. But unfortunately experts quote axiomatic concepts of existing erroneous paradigm, or demand references of software papers, (which obliviously can't exits in old paradigm). Our statements are made in the contextual framework of a new paradigm (e.g. based on Heliocentric axiom), while reviewers demand to prove our statements in a contextual framework of old paradigm (e.g. based on Geocentric axiom). It is possible to invalidate each & every axiomatic concept, but not possible to predict a concept each faceless anonymous reviewer of our research papers might use to deny the existence of errors in old paradigm or deny valid facts of new paradigm. It is impossible to predict & respond potential excuses in a research paper limited to 15 pages, since thousands of widely accepted axiomatic concepts exist today in the old paradigm. 
Kindly keep in mind that, discovery of errors in basic seed or root postulations of even a complex widely accepted paradigm resulted in collapse of the paradigm (even if the paradigm had been deeply entrenched for 1000 years), which can also result in a scientific revolution, which was well documented by Dr. Thomas Kuhn (a physicist and philosopher of science) in his famous book ‘The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions’ (that coined the term ‘Paradigm Shift’).

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